Jan 15Liked by Matthew Barr

Big thanks to Matt and Thomas for this. My question to Thomas is, what keeps you curious? And how important is curiosity to your practice.

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Jan 15Liked by Matthew Barr

Sick prize, sick opportunity to ask a burning question to someone I’d love to hear an answer from. Cheers for this, Matt.

We live in a world that demands everyone needs to take a side in an argument (no matter how knowledgable they are on the subject), and that everything is at risk of having political or social context adding to it. With that in mind, do you thing this is impacting the creativity of “art for art’s sake”?

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Jan 15Liked by Matthew Barr

How has fatherhood changed you?

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Jan 15Liked by Matthew Barr

Are there new things you want to try in art? And what are they?

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Jan 15Liked by Matthew Barr

Rick Ruben talks about music opening a portal. I get this, it works me. For me music allows me to get into a creative flow. When I’m writing I will often put on the Sprout House Band, in particular Spanish Flowers. Do you listen to tunes as part of your visual creative process? If so how do you use music to make your work.

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Hey, loved this episode, thanks both. For Thomas, given that you say your art started from a pretty "untalented place", what's your relationship to your older pieces of work now? Can you look at them without wanting to improve them? And do you have any favourite pieces around the house now? Thanks Sam

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Jan 15Liked by Matthew Barr

If you were approached to make a film with a more than healthy budget, what story would you tell or highlight that is current in surfing.

People, location, music.

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Jan 16Liked by Matthew Barr

In your interview with matt for his podcast you talk about the naïveté of a bands first album and how that can often be their greatest work . I found that really interesting,I was wondering if you follow learned methods or paths these days when you set out on a new project or do you find that in fact you have to unpick all you know to try and get back to that first feeling?

Essentially are you are a big planner or fuck it I’m sure it’ll be ok when we get going kind of guy ?



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Jan 16Liked by Matthew Barr

One more for Thomas..

Do you think the air game has ruined surfing just a little?

I mean skateboarding and snowboarding have always suited a bit of a punk rock attitude and can handle the aggression but to me surfings soul gets a little dirty the minute the fins leave the water.

I’m probably in the minority here but I’d be interested in your thoughts on where surfing is headed.

& finally, do you want some music for your film.. 😉


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This might be a British thing but why is music and art made by mainly left leaning folk? Are right wingers missing a creative gene?

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Jan 17Liked by Matthew Barr

As a visual artist, do you see AI imagery as an opportunity to expand your vision, a threat to your ways of working or largely an irrelevance?

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Jan 18Liked by Matthew Barr

Not a proper question but here goes.

Carving is the foundation of good surfing and skating. Why has no one devoted a film to its evolution? Perhaps a good carve is too intangible to analyse?

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Jan 19Liked by Matthew Barr

Would be interesting to hear Thomas’s POV on the algorithm. Has he noticed the things that people like and are responding to from a creative perspective being shifted by the way the internet serves up things to us? Is there still room for real discovery, vs “you liked this before so here’s another thing like it”? How does his art find its way to people who love it in this day and age? Also, how does he keep or develop his personal style / voice / taste in the face of the great bland "internet culture”— or does he have advice for young artists coming up in the algorithm era on evolving theirs?

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Jan 19Liked by Matthew Barr

I'm so looking forward to Yi-Wo, especially perhaps the trailed surf mat section with Dave Rastovitch and Lauren Hill - there's something magic about that out of control feeling of a mat. Your films always seem to capture the beauty in the margins and the chaos, and an overriding feeling of joy. Do you think there's a danger that the joy of irreverence is becoming lost in a homogenising surf culture?

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Jan 19Liked by Matthew Barr

In the late 90’s there was a real overlap in the Venn diagrams of surfing, skating and snowboarding with a healthy cross over culture. Since then there’s been a real demarcation between board sports with very few creatives avoiding being funnelled into specific pigeon holes, even within surfing and skating - so what keeps your output diverse enough to cover everything from cutting edge skating through to classic logging?

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Jan 19Liked by Matthew Barr

There is a difference between being creative, and the type of creativity that defines or that crosses over and interconnects subcultures. How do you nurture the conditions and space that allow for that second type of creativity?

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Jan 30Liked by Matthew Barr

Sorry I’m late to the party! If it’s not too late I would love to know how you choose what creative projects to prioritise? As an artist, film maker, photographer and more (father!) you must have a lot of ideas, projects, brands and others all asking for energy and attention. How do you choose what to pursue and what to save for later?

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I hope I still have time, you talked about politics being owned, which seems to be more evident than ever. Are we living in the time of “ownership” where even ideas are the folly of the Uber rich. And how do we take them back? That for me is what skating was about, a group of us taking back our energy, ideas and endeavours.

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